TAGGED: #BRI, #CHINA, #CHINA-PAKISTAN, #CHINA’S JOURNEY OF DEVELOPMENT, #CPC’S ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA, #CPEC, #PAKISTAN, #SCO, ACHIEVEMENTS OF CPC, CPC, CPC CONTRIBUTION IN THE MODERNIZATION OF CHINA 标签:#一带一路,#中国,#中巴,#中国的发展历程,#中国共产党在中国发展中的作用,#中巴经济走廊,#巴基斯坦,#上合组织,中国共产党的成就,中国共产党,中国共产党在中国现代化建设中的贡献 China has taken a significant stride towards solidifying its position as a responsible global power with the enactment of theContinue Reading

China has taken a significant stride towards solidifying its position as a responsible global power with the enactment of the Law on Foreign Relations. This momentous legislation, adopted during the third session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress on June 28, 2023, underscores China’s unwavering commitmentContinue Reading