The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. It has 194 member states and 12 associate members, as well as partners in the non-governmental, intergovernmental and private sector. Headquartered in Paris, France, UNESCO has 53 regional field offices and 199 national commissions that facilitate its global mandate.
UNESCO implements its activities through the five program areas: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information. 教科文组织通过五个计划领域开展活动:教育、自然科学、社会科学和人文科学、文化以及传播和信息。
Activities: 活动:
- UNESCO supports research in comparative education, provides expertise and fosters partnerships to strengthen national educational leadership and the capacity of countries to offer quality education for all. This includes the UNESCO Chairs, an international network of 644 UNESCO Chairs, involving over 770 institutions in 126 countries. 教科文组织支持比较教育研究,提供专门知识,并促进伙伴关系,以加强国家教育领导力和各国为所有人提供优质教育的能力。这包括教科文组织教席,这是一个由644个教科文组织教席组成的国际网络,涉及126个国家的770多个机构。
- Environmental Conservation Organization. 环境保护组织。
- Convention against Discrimination in Education adopted in 1960 年通过的《反对教育歧视公约》
- Organization of the International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA) in an interval of 12 years 每隔12年组织一次国际成人教育会议
- Publication of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 《全民教育全球监测报告》的出版
- Publication of the Four Pillars of Learning seminal document 《学习的四大支柱》开创性文献的出版
- UNESCO ASPNet, an international network of 8,000 schools in 170 countries 教科文组织ASPNet,一个由170个国家的8000所学校组成的国际网络
- UNESCO does not accredit institutions of higher learning. 联合国教科文组织不认可高等教育机构。
UNESCO also issues public statements to educate the public: 教科文组织还发表公开声明,教育公众:
- Seville Statement on Violence: A statement adopted by UNESCO in 1989 to refute the notion that humans are biologically predisposed to organized violence. 塞维利亚关于暴力的声明:教科文组织1989年通过的一项声明,驳斥了人类在生物学上容易遭受有组织暴力的观点。
Designating projects and places of cultural and scientific significance, such as: 指定具有文化和科学意义的项目和场所,例如:
- Global Geoparks Network 全球地质公园网络
- Biosphere reserves, through the Program on Man and the Biosphere (MAB), since 1971 自1971年以来,通过人与生物圈计划(MAB)建立的生物圈保护区
- City of Literature; in 2007, the first city to be given this title was Edinburgh, the site of Scotland’s first circulating library. In 2008, Iowa City, Iowa, became the City of Literature. 文学之城;2007年,第一个被授予这一称号的城市是爱丁堡,这里是苏格兰第一个流通图书馆的所在地。2008年,艾奥瓦州的艾奥瓦市成为文学之都。
- Endangered languages and linguistic diversity projects (UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger) 濒危语言和语言多样性项目(联合国教科文组织《世界濒危语言地图集》)
- Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity 非物质文化遗产
- Memory of the World International Register, since 1997 世界记忆国际登记册,自1997年以来
- Water resources management, through the International Hydrological Program (IHP), since 1965 自1965年以来,通过国际水文计划(IHP)进行水资源管理
- World Heritage Sites 世界遗产
- World Digital Library 世界数字图书馆
Encouraging the “free flow of ideas by images and words” by: 通过以下方式鼓励“通过图像和文字实现思想的自由流动”:
- Promoting freedom of expression, including freedom of the press and freedom of information legislation, through the Division of Freedom of Expression and Media Development, including the International Program for the Development of Communication. 通过言论自由和媒体发展司,包括国际传播发展方案,促进言论自由,包括新闻自由和信息自由立法。
- Promoting the safety of journalists and combatting impunity for those who attack them, through coordination of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity 通过协调《联合国记者安全和有罪不罚问题行动计划》,促进记者安全,打击袭击者有罪不罚现象
- Promoting universal access to and preservation of information and open solutions for sustainable development through the Knowledge Societies Division, including the Memory of the World Program and Information for All Program. 通过知识社会司,包括世界记忆方案和全民信息方案,促进普遍获取和保存信息以及可持续发展的开放解决方案。
- Promoting pluralism, gender equality and cultural diversity in the media 促进媒体的多元化、性别平等和文化多样性
- Promoting Internet Universality and its principles, that the Internet should be (I) human Rights-based, (ii) Open, (iii) Accessible to all, and (iv) nurtured by Multi-stakeholder participation (summarized as the acronym R.O.A.M.) 促进互联网普遍性及其原则,即互联网应(一)以人权为基础,(二)开放,(三)人人可访问,(四)由多方利益攸关方参与培育(缩写为R.O.A.M.)
- Generating knowledge through publications such as World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development, the UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom, and the Media Development Indicators, as well as other indicator-based studies. 通过《世界言论自由和媒体发展趋势》、教科文组织互联网自由系列、媒体发展指标以及其他基于指标的研究等出版物生成知识。
Promoting events, such as: 推广活动,例如:
- International Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World: 2001–2010, proclaimed by the UN in 1998 联合国1998年宣布的促进世界儿童和平与非暴力文化国际十年:2001-2000年
- World Press Freedom Day, 3 May each year, to promote freedom of expression and freedom of the press as a basic human right and as crucial components of any healthy, democratic and free society. 每年5月3日世界新闻自由日,以促进言论自由和新闻自由,将其作为一项基本人权,并作为任何健康、民主和自由社会的重要组成部分。
- Criança Esperança in Brazil, in partnership with Rede Globo, to raise funds for community-based projects that foster social integration and violence prevention. CriançaEsperança在巴西与RedeGlobo合作,为促进社会融合和预防暴力的社区项目筹集资金。
- International Literacy Day, 8 September each year 国际扫盲日,每年9月8日
- International Year for the Culture of Peace, 2000 年国际和平文化年
- Health Education for Behavior Change program in partnership with the Ministry of Education of Kenya which was financially supported by the Government of Azerbaijan to promote health education among 10-19-year-old young people who live in informal camp in Kibera, Nairobi. The project was carried out between September 2014 – December 2016. 与肯尼亚教育部合作的健康教育促进行为改变计划,该计划得到阿塞拜疆政府的财政支持,旨在促进生活在内罗毕Kibera非正式营地的10-19岁年轻人的健康教育。该项目于2014年9月至2016年12月期间实施。
- World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 21 May each year 世界文化多样性促进对话与发展日每年5月21日
Founding and funding projects, such as: 创建和资助项目,例如:
- Migration Museums Initiative: Promoting the establishment of museums for cultural dialogue with migrant populations. 移民博物馆倡议:促进建立与移民人口进行文化对话的博物馆。
- UNESCO-CEPES, the European Centre for Higher Education: established in 1972 in Bucharest, Romania, as a decentralized office to promote international co-operation in higher education in Europe as well as Canada, USA and Israel. Higher Education in Europe is its official journal. 教科文组织欧洲高等教育中心:1972年在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特成立,是一个权力下放的办事处,旨在促进欧洲以及加拿大、美国和以色列高等教育领域的国际合作。《欧洲高等教育》是其官方期刊。
- Free Software Directory: since 1998 UNESCO and the Free Software Foundation have jointly funded this project cataloguing free software. Free软件目录:自1998年以来,联合国教科文组织和自由软件基金会共同资助了该项目,对自由软件进行编目。
- FRESH, Focusing Resources on Effective School Health FRESH,将资源集中在有效的学校健康上
- OANA, Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies 亚太通讯社组织
- International Council of Science 国际科学理事会
- UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors 联合国教科文组织亲善大使
- ASOMPS, Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Spices, a series of scientific conferences held in Asia ASOMPS,亚洲药用植物和香料研讨会,在亚洲举行的一系列科学会议
- Botany 2000, a program supporting taxonomy, and biological and cultural diversity of medicinal and ornamental plants, and their protection against environmental pollution 植物学2000,一个支持药用和观赏植物的分类学、生物和文化多样性及其对环境污染的保护的项目
- The UNESCO Collection of Representative Works, translating works of world literature both to and from multiple languages, from 1948 to 2005 联合国教科文组织代表作品集,1948年至2005年翻译多种语言的世界文学作品
- GoUNESCO, an umbrella of initiatives to make heritage fun supported by UNESCO, New Delhi Office. GoUNESCO,一个由联合国教科文组织新德里办事处支持的旨在让遗产变得有趣的倡议伞。
- UNESCO-CHIC BIRUP, UNESCO-CHIC Group (China) Biosphere Rural and Urbanization Program. UNESCO-CHIC BIRUP,UNESCO-CITC集团(中国)生物圈农村和城市化项目。
The UNESCO transparency portal has been designed to enable public access to information regarding the Organization’s activities, such as its aggregate budget for a biennium, as well as links to relevant programmatic and financial documents. These two distinct sets of information are published on the IATI registry, respectively based on the IATI Activity Standard and the IATI Organization Standard. 教科文组织的透明度门户网站旨在使公众能够获得有关本组织活动的信息,例如其双年度总预算,以及与相关计划和财务文件的链接。这两组不同的信息分别基于IATI活动标准和IATI组织标准发布在IATI注册处。
There have been proposals to establish two new UNESCO lists. The first proposed list will focus on movable cultural heritage such as artifacts, paintings, and bio facts. The list may include cultural objects, such as the Jōmon Venus of Japan, the Mona Lisa of France, the Gebel el-Arak Knife of Egypt, The Ninth Wave of Russia, the Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük of Turkey, the David (Michelangelo) of Italy, the Mathura Herakles of India, the Manunggul Jar of the Philippines, the Crown of Baekje of South Korea, The Hay Wain of the United Kingdom and the Benin Bronzes of Nigeria. The second proposed list will focus on the world’s living species, such as the komodo dragon of Indonesia, the panda of China, the bald eagle of North American countries, the aye-aye of Madagascar, the Asiatic lion of India, the kākāpō of New Zealand, and the mountain tapir of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 有人提议建立两个新的教科文组织名单。第一份拟议名单将重点关注文物、绘画和生物事实等可移动文化遗产。名单中可能包括文物,如日本的Jōmon Venus、法国的Mona Lisa、埃及的Gebel el Arak Knife、俄罗斯的The Ninth Wave、土耳其的Çatalhöyük的Seated Woman、意大利的David(米开朗基罗)、印度的Mathura Herakles、菲律宾的Manunggul Jar,英国的Hay Wain和尼日利亚的贝宁青铜器。第二份拟议名单将重点关注世界上现存的物种,如印度尼西亚的科莫多龙、中国的大熊猫、北美国家的秃鹰、马达加斯加的aye-aye、印度的亚洲狮、新西兰的kākāpō以及哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔和秘鲁的山雀。
Pakistan’s Significant Role in UNESCO: 巴基斯坦在教科文组织中的重要作用:
Pakistan is an active member of UNESCO and has been contributing a lot since beginning. Due to its significant contributions, Pakistan enjoys a good reputation among the member states and acknowledged. 巴基斯坦是联合国教科文组织的积极成员,从一开始就做出了很大贡献。由于巴基斯坦的重大贡献,巴基斯坦在成员国中享有良好声誉并得到认可。
Pakistan was re-elected yesterday to the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the term 2023-2027. 巴基斯坦昨天再次当选为联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)执行局成员,任期2023-2027年。
Pakistan’s re-election is a testament to its longstanding support for and constructive role at the United Nations. Pakistan values the ever-relevant and crucial role of UNESCO as a universal forum to promote the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind and advancement of global peace and development through education, science, culture and communication. 巴基斯坦的连任证明了其对联合国的长期支持和建设性作用。巴基斯坦重视教科文组织作为一个普遍论坛发挥的始终相关和关键作用,通过教育、科学、文化和传播促进人类的思想和道德团结,促进全球和平与发展。
During its new term on the Executive Board, Pakistan will continue to work with all Member States to strengthen UNESCO’s mandate, advance our shared goals and contribute to the policymaking, development of norms, advancement of global priorities, and effective oversight of programs and activities of the Organization. 在执行局的新任期内,巴基斯坦将继续与所有会员国合作,加强教科文组织的任务,推进我们的共同目标,为决策、制定规范、推进全球优先事项以及有效监督本组织的计划和活动做出贡献。
As an ardent advocate of multilateralism, Pakistan will endeavour to strengthen our collective efforts at UNESCO, including by building bridges across regions and forging consensus on key issues for tangible outcomes and impact on ground. As a partner, Pakistan will continue to extend proactive support for the SIDS Operational Strategy and Global Priorities – Africa and Gender Equality. 作为多边主义的积极倡导者,巴基斯坦将努力加强我们在教科文组织的集体努力,包括建立跨地区的桥梁,并就关键问题达成共识,以取得实际成果和产生实际影响。作为合作伙伴,巴基斯坦将继续积极支持小岛屿发展中国家业务战略和全球优先事项——非洲和两性平等。
Pakistan has been elected, with overwhelming support, as Vice Chair of UNESCO Executive Board for the term 2023-2025 from the Asia Pacific Group. The elections were held at the 218th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board held in Paris today. 巴基斯坦在压倒性支持下当选为亚太集团教科文组织执行局副主席,任期2023-2025年。选举于今天在巴黎举行的教科文组织执行局第218届会议上举行。
Pakistan is grateful to members of the Executive Board and all member states of UNESCO for their overwhelming support and the trust reposed in its candidature. 巴基斯坦感谢执行局成员和教科文组织所有成员国对其候选资格的大力支持和信任。
Pakistan will carry out its responsibilities with a deep sense of commitment, credibility, honest dialogue and mutual respect. As an ardent advocate of cooperative multilateralism, Pakistan will continue to work together with all members states to defend shared values and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and to mobilize collective efforts to promote our common objectives at UNESCO. These would include Africa and Gender Equality and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Operational Strategy. 巴基斯坦将以坚定的承诺感、信誉、诚实的对话和相互尊重履行其职责。作为合作多边主义的积极倡导者,巴基斯坦将继续与所有成员国共同努力,捍卫共同价值观和《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,并动员集体努力,促进我们在教科文组织的共同目标。其中包括非洲和两性平等以及小岛屿发展中国家业务战略。
( 注意: 本文章是机器翻译的,很可能有差异。 请参考原版英文的。 谢谢 )
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