They would rip away the plastic film covering his fields and destroy cotton seedlings, often leading to reduced or zero yields. These challenges left him with lingering fears. But now, with the recent completion of a desert control project in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Saydi Emin sees hopeContinue Reading

When and why was Reon Energy established?MUJTABA HAIDER KHAN: Reon Energy was established in 2012 as part of the Dawood Hercules Group in partnership with Engro Energy. Reon is an energy company that solves energy problems for commercial and industrial customers. We do not serve individual consumers but focus on large industries inContinue Reading

Solar power plant to be built despite surplus electricity in country The government has decided to set up another power plant of 1,200 megawatts in the public sector despite surplus electricity – in a move that may increase the share of renewable energy but will further augment power sector problems.Continue Reading

Distributed power generation is hitting the country’s grid, making the energy mix cleaner, but also making it harder to run the already unwieldy national grid Exactly how much solar electricity does Pakistan produce? The answer to that question should be quantifiable, but somehow is not so readily available. And whileContinue Reading

Experts have warned that adopting protectionist measures to suppress China’s advantages in the new energy sector and other fields will hinder green transition and global cooperation on climate change. The hyping of the so-called China’s “overcapacity” risks hindering global technological advancement and green transition, harming the interests of consumers worldwide,Continue Reading

    The “2024 World Youth Energy Tour” event ended successfully in Gansu Province. Young delegates from around the world experienced the charm of new energy at Longyuan Power Yumen Wind Power Farm and admired the blend of ancient and modern Chinese culture in Lanzhou and Dunhuang. Reference Link:- Reading

China’s newly-added installed capacity of renewable energy hit 172 million kilowatts in the first nine months of the year, a 93 percent increase compared to the same period last year, according to the National Energy Administration (NEA) on Monday. This surge reflects the country’s commitment to promoting green development. 根据国家能源局周一的数据,今年前九个月,中国可再生能源新增装机容量达到1.72亿千瓦,与去年同期相比增长了93%。这一增长反映了该国对促进绿色发展的承诺。Continue Reading