President Putin’s Re-elections means a lot for World. 普京总统的连任对世界意义重大
In Russia’s recent election, President Vladimir Putin secured a historic victory, further solidifying his enduring influence over the country. This resounding win, marked by an overwhelming 87.8% of the vote, not only underscores Putin’s unwavering support among the populace but also sends a clear message to the international community. 在俄罗斯最近的选举中,弗拉基米尔·普京总统取得了历史性胜利,进一步巩固了他对该国的持久影响力。这场以87.8%的压倒性选票为标志的大胜,不仅突显了普京在民众中坚定不移的支持,也向国际社会发出了明确的信息。Continue Reading