Palestine: Systematic undermining of the opportunity for a two-state solution

Foreign Affairs and Expatriates// condemns the fierce occupation campaign to confiscate thousands of dunums and considers it a systematic undermining of the opportunity for a two-state solution

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemns the racist colonial policy being rapidly pursued by the Israeli government to seize thousands of dunums of Palestinian citizens’ lands, the most recent of which was the confiscation of 441 dunums of citizens’ lands in the villages of Shabtin, Yar Ammar, and Deir Qadis, west of Ramallah.

The Ministry considers that the Israeli government continues its blatant challenge to the relevant United Nations resolutions, especially Resolution 2334, to introduce the deepest changes to the existing historical, political, legal, and demographic reality of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in a way that undermines the opportunity to implement the principle of the two-state solution.

The Ministry once again calls for the imposition of deterrent international sanctions on the colonial-settler occupation system, and to force the occupying state to stop settlement and dismantle and disarm the colonialist militias, considering that settlement is a direct and serious threat to the arena of conflict and to the opportunity to revive the peace process and achieve political solutions to the conflict.

Source: Palestine Embassy, Islamabad.

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