New quality productive forces to become global development engine

Experts and officials from various countries spoke highly of the development of new quality productive forces in China, saying they have become an engine to drive global development and will effectively promote the development and technological changes worldwide.

Phinij Jarusombat, former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and Chairman of Thai-Chinese Culture Promotion Committee, said that China’s new quality productive forces is becoming the engine of change and development in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and also the world in an interview with China Media Group (CMG).

Noting new energy vehicles, which represent China’s pursuit of new quality productive forces, have been recognized by global markets for their quality and use of high-tech, Phinij said China’s pursuit of new quality productive forces is enabling ASEAN, especially Thailand, to achieve unprecedented development.

Dev Raj Ghimire, speaker of Nepal’s House of Representatives, noticed the importance of developing new quality productive forces in promoting new technologies and coping with global economic challenges and climate change.

The development of new quality productive forces will promote the continuous development of China’s science and technology, thus further promoting the economic development of the world’s second-largest economy, said the Speaker.

Peru congressman Eduardo Salhuana said he was amazed at the Chinese technological development in areas ranging from computer sciences to robotics and automobiles at the Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain earlier this year.

Salhuana hoped China’s development of the new quality productive forces would bring a positive impact on economic development in Peru.

Zamir Ahmed Awan, founding chair of Islamabad-based think tank – the Global Silk Route Research Alliance, noticed that new quality productive forces won much attention during China’s just-concluded Two Sessions.

Noting productive forces, including new quality productive forces, matter a lot for a country to develop its economy, Awan told CMG that the development of new quality productive forces will be not only conducive to economic development in China, but also in other countries.

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