Palestine-Israel Conflict: Way Forward. 巴以冲突:前进之路。

The blood of 27000 Palestinian will not go into vain. Independent and Sovereign state of Palestine is emerging soon.  Seven decades of occupation of Palestine is reaching to an end. A state from River to Sea will be created for son of soil – Palestinians.


Israel, backed by the US has used all possible atrocities and brutalities against Palestinians, but failed to suppress them. The excessive use of military force against Palestinian could not cool down their desire for home land. Israel has crossed all records of human rights violations to kill the freedom struggle of Palestinians, but could not succeeded.


90% of Gaza has been destroyed, residential and commercial buildings, Schools, Hospitals Infrastructure, like roads, power house, water supply, sewerage, etc., has been destroyed completely. 90%of the populations is living in temporary camps, without basics amenities of life. Severe shortage of food, fuel, electricity, water, and medicines has pushed the situation like famine, starvation and hell for 2.3 million population of Gaza. Yet, the legitimate struggle of Palestine for their sovereign state is not suppressed.


As a matter of fact, Jews were not welcomed in Europe, then they find an opportunity to get rid of Jews, and under an agreement created a Jewish state of Israel in the heart of Muslim world. European pushed Jews from all over Europe to Israel and backed them to expand their state, by pushing Palestinians out from their mother land. Gradually, Israel pushed Palestinians into two small pockets: West Bank and Gaza – (Concentration Camps).


Under a well-planned program, Palestinians were concentrated into two camps and Israel started the Genocide in Gaza. Unfortunately, the UN and International community also failed to stop the Genocide. International Court of Justice also could not protected the Human lives in Gaza. The Genocide is still on going and causalities are increasing with passing of each day.


It is worth mentioning that Jerusalem is holy city for Muslims, Christians and Jews, all the three major religions of the world. It was under Muslims control for few centuries, where all the three religions were living in harmony and practicing their religious duties freely. Even that, the Christians and Jews still keep the keys to their sacred places with Muslims in safe custody. But, the extremist Jews are pushing Muslims and Christians out of their mother land by force, they wanted to transform the area into a pure Jewish state.


The current situation is getting worst day by day. The conflict is widening and seems the entire region might be engulfed. Israel has categorically announced its expansion plans and greater Israel map was share at the UN general assembly meeting. All the neighboring countries are under immediate threat. Like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. However, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain Oman, etc., are under threat in the medium term. But, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia are also under threat in the long term. To extremist, Jews, the entire world is their slave and they are chosen only to rule. In fact it is a threat to entire human kind and whole world.


The US backing of Israel and irrational support in genocide in Gaza is a black spot on the image of America. They might not face the public reaction, either inside America or globally. Anti-American sentiments are grown to peak. Vetoing ceasefire resolution in the UNSC may cost US a heavy price in the form of public opinion globally. Simply, the US has become equal partner of genocide in Gaza. Historian will write them in the list of war crimes.


The world has realized that the aggressor will never win, and ultimately, the legitimate right of Palestinians have to be given them, in the form of a sovereign state from river to sea. The way forward is ceasefire immediately, restoration of humanitarian relief operation in Gaza, release of all hostages and prisoners of war. Reverting of Israel to pre-1967 borders, and establishment of original free, viable, sustainable, and independent state of Palestine.


Some indication from Secretary of State Mr. Blinken are visible for a two state solution. David Cameron of UK has also given similar indication. In the French capital Paris, such negotiations are held already. China and Russia will also support a viable two state solution. It will lead toward a sustainable peace and security in the region and contribute toward global security.


We can foresee the creation of home land for Palestinians in the very near future and a permanent peace in the region.


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