Historian will write there used to a United Nations, International Human Rights Organizations, European Union, OIC, etc. Yet the genocide of Palestinians was happened. The Champions of so-called Human Rights were the worst violators of Human Rights. Preachers of rule of law became the worst violator of law. Talking about World Order were the destruction of World Order. Humza Yousaf, the first minister of Scotland, has condemned those who do not support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. “The world said ‘never again’ yet allows violence that results in the killing of more children. For shame,” he wrote on social media. The helplessness of International community in protecting Palestinians will be written in bold words. The hypocrisy of superpowers will be highlighted. The criminal silence of big powers will be remembered as a hideous crime.
More than 20,000 people — almost 1% of the territory’s pre-war population — have been killed in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. It has previously said that roughly two-thirds of the dead were women or minors. The injured number has crossed 60,000 approximately. More than 90 percent of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents have been displaced, and conditions under Israeli siege and bombardment have been described by UN officials as “hell on earth”. Israel’s aerial and ground offensive has been one of the most devastating military campaigns in recent history, displacing nearly 85% of Gaza’s 2.3 million people and levelling wide swaths of the tiny coastal enclave. More than half a million people in Gaza — a quarter of the population — are starving, according to a report Thursday from the United Nations and other agencies.
The head of the World Health Organization calls the situation in Gaza “heart-breaking” and warns famine is “looming”. In his latest post on X, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus again warned that “famine is looming” in Gaza. He called for an “urgent improvement in food security”. The situation is most acute in northern Gaza, where four of five households “are going entire days and nights without eating”. That’s the case for about half of the displaced people in the south, he said. “This is catastrophic to the health of people across the Strip,” he said. “This is heart-breaking.”
世界卫生组织负责人称加沙的局势“令人心碎”,并警告说饥荒“迫在眉睫”。Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus在X上的最新帖子中再次警告称,加沙“饥荒迫在眉睫”。他呼吁“紧急改善粮食安全”。加沙北部的情况最为严重,五分之四的家庭“日夜不吃饭”。他说,南部大约一半的流离失所者就是这样。他说:“这对加沙地带人民的健康是灾难性的。”。“这让人心碎。”
The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution to boost humanitarian aid to Gaza, following several delays over the last week as the United States lobbied to weaken the language regarding calls for a ceasefire. The vote came amid international calls to bring the months-long conflict to an end, as Israeli forces pummel Gaza with one of the most destructive campaigns in modern history and humanitarian conditions in the besieged strip reach critical levels. Intense negotiations took place over the last week, with other member states searching for language that would avoid US objections that have doomed previous resolutions on Gaza in the 15-member body, where the US is one of five countries that hold a veto. The original draft called for “an urgent and sustainable cessation of hostilities” and gave the UN increased control over aid deliveries into Gaza. The adopted resolution opts for less equivocal language on a ceasefire and maintains Israel’s control over all aid.
The resolution’s approval follows days-long delay aimed at avoiding a US veto, but many observers slam the final text for not calling for a halt or break in fighting. Yet, Israel’s bombardment of Gaza continues after it ordered civilians to evacuate the Bureij refugee camp; children are among the wounded in attacks on Deir el-Balah. The head of the World Health Organization calls the situation in Gaza “heartbreaking” and warns famine is “looming”. UNSC -Chris Gunness says what’s unfolding in Gaza is “an American-Israeli genocide of Palestinians – it’s not just an Israeli genocide of Palestinians”. “Just as America provides Israel with $4bn of military support per annum, it’s also – as we’ve seen tonight – providing Israel with diplomatic and political cover to continue with a genocide of Palestinians, which is marked by the wholesale and industrial ignoring of international humanitarian law,” Gunness told. He added that Israeli statements following the passage of the Security Council resolution make it clear the country plans to retain control of what goes into Gaza. “It’s clear that [Israel] … as it’s done in the past, [intends] to have a veto over what goes into Gaza,” Gunness said.
该决议的批准是在为避免美国的否决而推迟了数天之后进行的,但许多观察家抨击最终文本没有呼吁停止或中断战斗。然而,以色列在命令平民撤离Bureij难民营后,对加沙的轰炸仍在继续;在对Deir el-Balah的袭击中受伤的有儿童。世界卫生组织负责人称加沙的局势“令人心碎”,并警告饥荒“迫在眉睫”。联合国安理会-克里斯·冈内斯表示,加沙正在发生的是“美以对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝——这不仅仅是以色列对巴勒斯坦人的灭绝”。冈内斯说:“正如美国每年向以色列提供40亿美元的军事支持一样,正如我们今晚看到的那样,它也为以色列提供了外交和政治掩护,以继续对巴勒斯坦人进行种族灭绝,其特点是大规模和工业界无视国际人道主义法。”。他补充说,以色列在安理会决议通过后发表的声明表明,该国计划保留对进入加沙的控制权。冈内斯说:“很明显,(以色列)……就像过去一样,(打算)对进入加沙的东西拥有否决权。”。
The Palestinian Foreign Ministry statement also said the resolution is a step towards “ensuring the delivery of aid and protecting our people”. The resolution has been widely criticized for failing to demand a halt or pause in fighting, despite appealing for Gaza aid deliveries to be scaled up. The resolution did not impose a legally binding cease-fire and instead called for “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to enable full, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access.”
It also dropped from earlier drafts demands for the “urgent suspension of hostilities,” replacing them with more watered-down language that recommended creating “the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.” “We know this is not a perfect text,” Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, the U.N. ambassador from the United Arab Emirates, told the Security Council on Friday. “We know only a cease-fire will end the suffering.”
The U.N. measure passed as Israeli forces pushed ahead with their offensive into Gaza on Friday and instructed residents in the central part of the enclave to immediately move farther south. The call to evacuate in Al Bureij — an area in central Gaza where Israel had not previously focused its offensive — came as the military was operating in the northern Gaza Strip and around the southern city of Khan Younis.
联合国的这项措施是在以色列军队周五推进对加沙的进攻之际通过的,并指示飞地中部的居民立即向南移动。在以色列此前没有集中进攻的加沙中部地区Al-Bureij发出撤离呼吁之际,军方正在加沙地带北部和南部城市Khan Younis周围开展行动。
As a matter of fact, the US has deliberately delayed UNSC resolution, providing more time to Israel to destroy Gaza more. The changing of Draft resolution was a lame excuse and soften the stance of UNSC, to permit Israel to continue the genocide of Palestinians. The passed resolution is weak, and not enough. It cannot protect Palestinians.
It is only the US who can influence Israel. If the US stop supplying weapons to Israel and withdraw its troops from Israel, suspend its diplomatic and political support, Israel may stop genocide of Palestinians. On the other hand, The US has been exposed and the International community became aware of true face of the US. Its veto of UNSC resolution, delaying tactics, and changing language has revealed its true picture. The US image has been distorted a lot and anti-American sentiments has grown worldwide. It has faced humiliation in the General assembly voting, where only a few countries supported it and majority of the world stood against American stance.
In the geopolitics, the US role has been recognized as war monger and trouble maker around the globe, But its support of Israel in genocide of Palestine may be written by historian in bold words.
Excessive use of force, all atrocities and brutalities of Israel could not suppress Palestinians in the last Seven-Decades, It will not succeed in future too. The absolute solution is a creation of sovereign independent Palestine state comprising West Bank and Gaza. UNSC resolutions on Palestine are mandatory for implementations, which are denied and delayed by Israel for almost Seven-Decades, it is time to respect UN, honour UN and implement all its resolution on Palestine. The sooner, Israel accept the supremacy of Law and the UN, the better for itself and for the entire region.
International Court of Justice (ICJ) is urged to take a proactive approach and trial all the war criminals.
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