Palestine-Israel: World visibly divided among Pro- and Anti-Peace Blocks.    巴勒斯坦与以色列:世界明显分为亲和反和平阵营。

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has rejected accusations by Israel that he had justified attacks by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Israel in a statement to the Security Council. Antonio Guterres earlier said the “appalling attacks” by Hamas could not justify “collective punishment” of Palestinians.


Israel’s ambassador to the UN tweeted in response that the secretary-general was condoning terrorism and should resign. Mr Guterres said he made clear in his speech that nothing could condone terror attacks against civilians.


“I am shocked by the misrepresentations by some of my statement … as if I was justifying acts of terror by Hamas. This is false. It was the opposite,” he told reporters, without specifically naming Israel.

他告诉记者:“我对一些人对我的声明的歪曲感到震惊……好像我在为哈马斯的恐怖行为辩护。这是错误的。恰恰相反。” 他没有具体点名以色列。

Mr Guterres pleaded for civilians to be protected in the war between Israel and Hamas, voicing concern about “clear violations of international humanitarian law” in the Gaza Strip. He told the 15-member UN Security Council that it was vital to be clear that war has rules, starting with the fundamental principle of respecting and protecting civilians.


“It is important to also recognise the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation,” he said. “But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. “And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”

他说:“认识到哈马斯的袭击并非发生在真空中,也很重要。巴勒斯坦人民已经遭受了56年的压迫占领。” 他说:“但是,巴勒斯坦人的不满不能为哈马斯的可怕袭击辩护。而那些可怕的袭击也不能为对巴勒斯坦人的集体惩罚辩护。”

Amid a deepening feud with the United Nations, Israel will thoroughly review every demand for a visa submitted by a UN official instead of granting such visas automatically, the office of Israel’s ambassador to the UN told Al-Monitor on Thursday. “We have already refused a visa for Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths. The time has come to teach them a lesson,” Erdan said this week in an interview on Israeli radio. This prompted Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who arrived at UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday along with a delegation of families of kidnapped Israelis, to cancel his planned meeting with the UN secretary-general. This clash has deepened in recent days, as the UNRWA demanded that Israel allow the entry of fuel into the Gaza Strip so that it can conduct its operations. The Israeli army, for its part, says Hamas has long been taking over fuel stocks for the maintenance of its tunnels networks and for other military purposes.


Foreign Minister Eli Cohen cancelled a scheduled meeting with Guterres following Tuesday’s council meeting, Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan called for Guterres’s resignation, and Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial, said the UN chief “failed the test”.


As a matter of fact, the conflict is not only an internal affair of Israel and Palestine, it has a global impact and consequences. The geopolitics were already polarized and divided, but, this conflict has visibly divided the entire world into two blocks, one sympathizes with Oppressed people of Palestine, who suffered Israeli atrocities for almost Seven decades, and are victim of Israeli state terrorism. This block wanted a peaceful solution of the issue and emphasize to address the root cause of the problem. They demand a separate land for Palestine and sovereign state and wanted Israel to revert back to its original shape and geography of 1948. Israel must surrender all the occupied Arab land and co-exist as good neighbor peacefully. They stressed on the implementation of UNSC’s resolution and a sustainable political solution under the charter of UN.


Whereas, the other block, supports Israeli aggression and unconditional, irrational, and illegitimate expansion of Zionist state. The US is leading this block and gaging-up its allies to suppress the Palestinians. The US has become a direct party after deploying its military in Israel against Palestinian, supplying Israel with latest weapons, ammunitions, and military tactics, it has lost the impartial status and lost the mediators role.


There exists a huge resistance with in Americans against the Administration’s illogical and irrational decision in the favor of Israel. But, Biden Administration without caring his political career, is moving ahead unilaterally. The consequences he may face next year in the presidential elections.


President Biden’s administration has dragged few European allies into the conflict, but, the wide spread rallies and protests all over the Europe is a visible indicator that public is well aware of the facts and opposes their governments irrational decisions.


French President rightly pointed out that the conflict between Israel and Hamas isn’t contained within their borders; it has sent ripples across the globe. Demonstrations, both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli, have erupted worldwide, reflecting the polarizing nature of the conflict. Economically, the conflict has prompted S&P Global to revise Israel’s outlook to negative due to the risks of conflict escalation.


It is time to take stance and raise your voice. It scared that if appropriate measures are not taken timely, the crisis may spread to entire region or become global disaster. Act instantly, before it is too late. Stand for peace, justice and human rights, irrespective of your race, religion, or ethnicity, stand up against the aggressor and support the weaker and oppressed. The world need the peace, justice and equal rights, and equal respect.


Everyone is born through an identical biological process, and every mother has given birth to her son or daughter with identical pains. Protect the sons or daughters of every mother equally!


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