A video of Xi’s departure on Wednesday was filmed with translators speaking for both men.

“Right now there are changes – the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years – and we are the ones driving these changes together,” Xi told Putin as he stood at the door of the Kremlin to bid him farewell. The Russian president responded: “I agree.” Xi then put out his hand to shake Putin’s and said: “Take care please, dear friend.” Putin responded by holding Xi’s hand with both of his and saying, “Have a safe trip.”

It is absolutely true that geopolitics are changing so rapidly that were never seen in known history. China and Russia being permanent members of the Security Council are committed to driving such changes means a greater role in global affairs.

Looking at the miraculous devilments in China during the last four decades has proven Chinese capabilities and potential to transform the world order. With a “no limited” partnership with Russia, the potential is even much more enhanced.

The latest peace agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia brokered by China was a mega achievement of this century as both are very important economies, with an abundance of natural resources, especially Energy, which have a huge contribution to global trade and the economy. This move will have a far-reaching impact on regional and global affairs.

The Restoration of full diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Syria is also a positive development in the region and will strengthen the peace and security of the whole region.

Negotiations are on the way between Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia, and China, leading toward better understanding, improved relations, and alliances. Afghan issue is also trending toward stability and peace. Next, Syria’s President visited the UAE — an equally astounding rapprochement. The third one is about the former Taiwanese President who is currently on a 12-day trip across mainland China — an unprecedented event since the Chinese civil war ended in 1949. All these are terrible for America’s power, which rests upon chaos, wars, and divide-and-rule.

Sharp decrease of US dollars in global reserves from 72 percent in 1999 to 59 percent now. The Currency swap agreements among several nations and China, with the latest addition of Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Russia, France, and Pakistan, etc., are nor the phenomenon of very common, but will have a deep impact on the Dollar’s domination of global currencies. Even Russia may use the Chinese Yuan as the reserve currency.

There is a global revolt against the American Empire. Its hegemony and supremacy have been challenged already. The world has been transformed from Unipolar to Multipolar already. “Mexico is not a colony of the USA” — thundered Mexican President Amlo a couple of days ago on the 85th anniversary of Mexico’s nationalization of oil. This progressive leader nationalized Lithium a month ago, to the great displeasure of his northern Big Brother.

Similarly, El Salvador’s Young and dynamic President Bukele warned the US that Monroe Doctrine is dead. Bukele has cracked down on violent gangs and drug trafficking, which may have disrupted the CIA’s revenue. Another Latin American country, Honduras, just dumped Taiwan and recognized PRC in mainland China. Heck, even some German leaders are talking about fixing the Nord Stream pipeline and renewing trade with Russia.

The expansion of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and BRICS, involving more countries will definitely have a positive impact on globalization and geopolitics. It is very much visible, the expansion will take place in the very near future.

Ukraine may be proved a turning point for global order reforms. It will have a deep impact and consequences. Being optimistic, we should believe that things will improve. We must struggle to make our tomorrow better than yesterday.

Many nations are re-aligning their positions. Friends and foes are emerging in different alliances. Media has exposed many nations and educated the masses about true facts and ground realities. Misconceptions and propaganda have been exposed and people are open to accepting the realities.

Hegemonies and supremacy of a few nations are no longer in existence. No single country can dominate or dictate the world order.

Reference Link:- https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/04/01/defining-moments-for-geopolitics/

1 Comment

  1. Very right.
    This time, there seems to be a major change in the geopolitics at World stage. Hope things will move towards stability and peace.

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