时事评论:避免阿富汗的灾难 – Avert the Catastrophe in Afghanistan


四年的战争、冲突和动乱使阿富汗陷入苦难。无论是 1980 年代阿富汗对前苏联占领的战争,还是塔利班或圣战者各派别之间的内部政治斗争,还是 2001 年至 2021 年美国领导的反恐战争,对阿富汗人民来说都是灾难性的。

阿富汗一直在遭受严重的人道主义危机,喀布尔沦陷后恶化。根据联合国报告,阿富汗可能面临“普遍贫困”,97% 的阿富汗人生活在世界银行指定的每天 1.90 美元的国际贫困线以下。 2022 年 6 月帕克蒂卡省和霍斯特省发生地震后,估计有 362,000 人需要人道主义援助。阿富汗营养不良的受害者包括 110 万五岁以下儿童和 80 万孕妇和哺乳期妇女。该国三分之二的地区处于水资源短缺的危急和灾难性境地。



今年估计有 677,000 人被赶出家园。要么住在阿富汗境内的各个营地,要么被迫逃往其他国家,过着悲惨的难民生活。

从 2022 年 6 月到 11 月,经济衰退、干旱和高粮价导致 1890 万人(占人口的 45%)面临危机或粮食不安全。












联合国大会(UNGA)第 77 届会议于周二开幕,其新任主席敦促世界领导人通过共同努力并在“深刻分歧”之间架起桥梁,应对人类最紧迫的挑战,包括乌克兰战争。

Csaba Kőrösi 承认世界面临不确定性和不断扩大的地缘政治裂痕,提醒代表们,联合国是在战争和破坏的灰烬中创建的,旨在成为“解决方案之井”。他说:“应对人类最紧迫的挑战需要我们共同努力,重振包容、网络和有效的多边主义,并专注于让我们团结在一起的东西。”他强调了几个热点问题,包括乌克兰等。






Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。







Avert the Catastrophe in Afghanistan

Avert the Catastrophe in Afghanistan Afghans are not the people of a lesser God. Each human being came to this world with an identical biological process and each mother has suffered similar pains. The human being is the most precious thing in this universe. Everything else in this universe is meant to serve human beings, whether it is animals, plants, minerals, Sun, Mountains, Water, Oxygen, etc., all are to serve humankind in a different way. Four decades of wars, conflicts, and unrest have put Afghanistan into misery. Whether it was the Afghan war against former USSR occupation in the 1980s, the internal political struggle among factions of Taliban or mujahedeen, or the US-led war on terror from 2001 till 2021, all was disastrous for the people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been suffering through a grave humanitarian crisis that worsened after the fall of Kabul. According to UN reports, Afghanistan could face “universal poverty,” with 97% of Afghans living below the World Bank-designated international poverty line of $1.90 a day. Estimated 362,000 people need humanitarian assistance following the June 2022 earthquake that hit Paktika and Khost provinces. Victims of malnutrition in Afghanistan include 1.1 million children under five and 0.8 million pregnant and lactating women. Two-thirds of the country is in a critical and catastrophic situation for water scarcity. Selling Afghan male children to become cheap labor and pushing girls into forced marriages has become more common. Some of them are smuggled to Europe and America and misused as sex workers too. The Health system in Afghanistan is exhausted and has left millions of Afghans with mounting health needs. Hospitals were destroyed, and Doctors and paramedic staff migrated to other countries. The nation is in severe need of health care. An estimated 677,000 people have been driven out of their homes this year. Either to live in various camps inside Afghanistan or forced to flee to other countries and live the rest of life as miserable refugees. Economic decline, drought, and high food prices have resulted in 18.9 million people (45% of the population) to be facing a crisis or food insecurity from June to November 2022. Way Forward to Meet Afghan Crisis The international community must engage with Taliban leadership to help them mitigate the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. The humanitarian needs of the Afghan masses are deepening. An entire complex social and economic system is shutting down in part due to the asset freeze, the suspension of non-humanitarian aid flows, and sanctions. Therefore, unfreezing of Afghan assets by the US is necessary to uplift the crippled Afghan economy. Highlighting that the world leaders need transparent lenses to help the Afghan population while emphasizing that the humanitarian efforts to rebuild Afghanistan should be free from politics. In the larger interest of global peace and regional stability, it must be ensured that Afghanistan’s territory and vulnerabilities should not be exploited by the western and regional powers to pursue their own agendas. Accentuate that peace and stability in Afghanistan are directly linked to regional and extra-regional peace, growth and development; hence calls for a collective response. Although few friendly countries are already extending humanitarian assistance, a lot more need to be done. Collective efforts are required to address the crisis in Afghanistan, International community must play its positive and proactive role. Pakistan being a responsible state, is playing important role in assisting Afghans to overcome their crisis, but, has its own limitations too. Sustainable development, a long-term strategy, is required to solve the Afghan catastrophe permanently. The 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) opened on Tuesday with its new president urging world leaders to respond to humanity’s most pressing challenges, including the war in Ukraine, by working together and building bridges across what are “deep divides”. Acknowledging that the world faces uncertainty and widening geopolitical fissures, Csaba Kőrösi reminded delegates that the United Nations was created out of the ashes of war and destruction, with the intention of being “a well of solutions”. “Responding to humanity’s most pressing challenges demands that we work together and that we reinvigorate inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism and focus on that what unites us”, he said. He highlighted several hot issues, including Ukraine and others. However, the catastrophic situation in Afghanistan deserves more attention. The situation was due to foreign intervention, either the former USSR or the US-led war on terror. But, the victims were the common innocent people of Afghanistan. It is the obligation of invaders and aggressors, to look after them. The mess they have created is supposed to be handled by them. The US has spent trillions of Dollars in destroying Afghanistan, if, a fraction of this huge fund is spared for reconstruction, or rebuilding Afghanistan, can save human lives in the war-devastated country. It is not a new idea, Germany and Japan are paying for war crimes and compensation to victims. Why not do the US and USSR pay for war crimes and war compensation to the victims of their imposed war on them? It is urged that the 77th Session of UNGA should spare some time to open debate on the Afghan catastrophe and should come forward with a sustainable solution. According to the UN Charter, it is legally binding for the UN to address the Catastrophe in Afghanistan and do everything possible to avert it. Hope all nations, countries, and individuals, who so ever have consciousness, will consider my appeal seriously and do something to rescue human lives in Afghanistan.

Reference Link:- http://thesaker.is/avert-the-catastrophe-in-afghanistan/

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