由于官员仍在计算已造成 1,300 多人丧生的大洪水造成的损失,最新评估显示,损失将比最初的预测更严重。规划和发展部长阿赫桑·伊克巴尔说,最终价值将需要六到八周的时间来确定,并补充说气候灾难是由于发达国家的行为造成的。
“所有那些导致全球变暖的国家现在都有责任帮助我们,并成为恢复和重建的合作伙伴,”领导该国洪水救援工作的伊克巴尔在电话中说。 “这场悲剧不是我们自己造成的。这是因为全球变暖。”
联合国秘书长(UNSG)安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)于 2022 年 9 月 9 日至 10 日访问了巴基斯坦,以表达对巴基斯坦人民的声援,他们冒着全国史无前例的降雨和洪水造成的巨大气候引发的自然灾害。为期两天的访问包括高层会议、简报会、与流离失所者、急救人员、联合国国家代表、民间社会和媒体的互动。
联合国秘书长拜访了总理穆罕默德·谢赫巴兹·谢里夫。几名联邦内阁成员参加了会议。总理对秘书长亲自关注洪水造成的局势表示感谢,并非常感谢他的访问和对受灾民众的关心。总理向联合国秘书长通报了巴基斯坦政府为应对山洪带来的严峻挑战所做的努力,包括通过贝娜齐尔收入支持计划 (BISP)、救援和救济行动提供 350 亿卢比的现金救济,所有国家利益攸关方在国际伙伴的支持下协调提供人道主义援助。在赞赏联合国秘书长为联合国紧急呼吁发布的视频信息时,总理强调,由于全球碳排放量不到 1%,巴基斯坦首当其冲地面临着热浪、冰川爆发、干旱、暴雨和前所未有的自然灾害。季风。除了动员支持从此类极端气候事件中恢复和重建外,总理还呼吁紧急缓解和适应工作。
联合国秘书长说,像巴基斯坦这样几乎没有为全球变暖做出任何贡献的国家不应该这样做。他补充说:“我知道志愿者、公务员、军队、非政府组织如何以非凡的方式共同努力减轻巴基斯坦人民的痛苦”。联合国秘书长说:“我的声音是为巴基斯坦政府和人民服务的。我看到了巴基斯坦人在保护和援助超过 600 万阿富汗难民方面的巨大慷慨,并在地震和洪水等以往灾难中互相帮助。我对这个国家的钦佩是无限的”。他向我们保证,联合国将尽其所能帮助巴基斯坦人民。联合国秘书长呼吁国际社会向巴基斯坦提供大规模支持,不仅提供救济援助,还提供恢复和适应气候变化的重建。他强调,这不仅仅是一个团结的问题,而是一个正义的问题,因为像巴基斯坦这样没有为气候变化做出贡献的国家是受气候变化影响的前沿国家。
联合国秘书长在国家洪水响应和协调中心 (NFRCC) 听取了关于总体地面情况、人道主义活动以及国家和国际利益攸关方之间协调的简报。总理和联合国秘书长也有联合记者。
联合国秘书长与外交部长比拉瓦尔·布托·扎尔达里举行了代表团级会谈,随后举行了联合新闻发布会。与最近的洪水和气候变化有关的广泛问题正在讨论中。 FM指出,该国三分之一的地区被淹没,全国约3300万人受到影响,1300多人丧生,其中包括400多名儿童,近80万头牲畜死亡,超过170万所房屋和6000公里的道路被毁坏或损坏。外交部长表示,受洪水影响的民众虽然没有为气候变化做出任何贡献,但受灾最深,因此,尽最大努力帮助数以百万计的人们,是国际社会的共同责任。以可持续的方式恢复正常生活和生计。外长强调,巴基斯坦政府和联合国联合发起的紧急呼吁的势头必须保持下去,并期待联合国秘书长支持进一步动员国际社会进行下一阶段的可持续恢复和重建。
联合国秘书长强调,他此行的一个重要原因是要引起国际社会对这场气候灾难的关注,并呼吁对巴基斯坦提供大力支持。联合国秘书长告诉记者,“我在这里向巴基斯坦人民表达我对今年洪水造成的毁灭性生命损失和人类苦难的深切声援”。秘书长说,这不仅关乎团结,而且关乎正义。联合国秘书长重申,“今天是巴基斯坦,明天可以是其他任何地方”。联合国秘书长赞扬巴基斯坦政府在抗洪工作中的强有力领导,并重申联合国致力于继续支持政府的救灾工作。他重申了通过最近启动的紧急呼吁和洪水应对计划为巴基斯坦人民争取国际支持的承诺,并表示已从联合国中央应急基金 (CERF) 中释放资金。联合国秘书长感谢政府和外交部长为支持国际合作伙伴加大力度支持巴基斯坦提供的便利。
联合国秘书长在总理和外交部长的陪同下,访问了信德省和俾路支省的苏库尔、拉尔卡纳、摩亨佐达罗和乌斯塔穆罕默德等受洪水影响的地区,并听取了巴基斯坦政府的救援和救灾工作概况,国家和国际合作伙伴。 UNSG 获得了流离失所者、民间社会、第一响应者和其他人对当地情况的第一手评估。外长对联合国秘书长的访问和为提高国际认识所做的努力、与巴基斯坦民族团结一致以及动员国际社会的必要支持表示高度赞赏和认可。
巴基斯坦的一些地区每年的降雨量通常在 50 毫米左右,但这次仅在几周内就降雨量高达 1700 毫米,水量在一个简单的世界中是无法想象和无法描述的。洪水的规模和强度是前所未有的。
20 国集团正在快速发展经济,但也付出了气候变化的沉重代价。巴基斯坦的碳排放量远低于允许水平,但却成为气候变化的最大受害者。
呼吁所有国家和个人携手保护人类免受自然灾害,不仅在巴基斯坦,而且在地球任何需要的地方。富国必须主动、慷慨地伸出援助之手,尤其是对气候变化负有高达 80% 责任的 G-20。
Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。
The flood caused unimaginable damage to Pakistan
The initial estimates show, that the damage from the floods in Pakistan will be “far greater” than $10 billion, according to the planning minister, after millions lost their homes and livelihoods while key roads and bridges have been washed away.
As officials are still tallying the cost of heavy flooding that has claimed more than 1,300 lives, the latest assessment shows the damage will be worse than the initial forecast. The final value will take six to eight weeks to determine, said Ahsan Iqbal, the minister of planning and development, adding that the climate disaster is due to the actions of the developed world.
“All those countries that contributed to global warming have a responsibility to help us now and be partners in rehabilitation and rebuilding,” Iqbal, who’s leading the country’s flood relief efforts, said by phone. “This tragedy is not of our own making. It’s due to global warming.”
All the efforts are in rescuing humankind and providing food to needy people in flood-hit areas. This relief and rescue operation is will continue till all human beings are shifted to safe places. But, the rehabilitation operation will start once the water is flown away or dried off. Repair of infrastructure, roads, and railway network, restoration of electricity, rebuilding of houses for the affected, etc., may take years to complete. Psychological trauma may also take a longer time to recover completely.
United Nations Secretary-General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres visited Pakistan on 9-10 September 2022 to show solidarity with the people of Pakistan, braving a colossal climate-induced natural disaster caused by unprecedented rains and floods across the country. The two-day visit comprised high-level meetings, briefings, interactions with displaced people, first responders, UN country representatives, civil society, and media.
The UNSG called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif. Several members of the Federal Cabinet joined the meeting. The PM expressed his gratitude for the Secretary-General’s personal attention to the situation arising from the floods and greatly appreciated his visit and concern for the affected people. The PM informed the UNSG about the efforts of the Government of Pakistan in addressing the daunting challenges posed by the flash floods, including the provision of Rs.35 billion in cash relief through the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), rescue and relief operations, and delivery of humanitarian assistance in coordination will all national stakeholders and with support of international partners. While appreciating the UNSG’s video message for the UN Flash Appeal, the PM highlighted that with less than 1% of global carbon emission Pakistan is facing the brunt of natural calamities in the form of heat waves, glacial outbursts, droughts, torrential rains, and unprecedented monsoons. The PM called for urgent mitigation and adaptation efforts in addition to mobilizing support for recovering and rebuilding from such extreme climate events.
The UNSG said that countries like Pakistan, which have done almost nothing to contribute to global warming, do not deserve this. He added, “I know how volunteers, civil servants, army, NGOs have been working together in a remarkable way to mitigate the suffering of Pakistani people”. The UNSG stated, “My voice is at the service of the Government and people of Pakistan. I have seen the enormous generosity of Pakistanis in protecting and assisting more than 6 million Afghan refugees and helping each other in previous calamities such as during the earthquake and floods. My admiration for this country is limitless”. He assured us that the UN would do everything in its capacity to help the people of Pakistan. The UNSG appealed to the international community to provide massive support to Pakistan for not only relief assistance but also for rehabilitation and climate resilient reconstruction. He emphasized that it was not just a matter of solidarity but a matter of justice, as countries like Pakistan that have not contributed to climate change are amongst the frontline countries impacted by climate change.
The UNSG was briefed on the overall ground situation, humanitarian activities, and coordination amongst national and international stakeholders at the National Flood Response and Coordination Centre (NFRCC). The PM and the UNSG also had a joint presser.
The UNSG held delegation-level talks with Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, followed by a joint press stakeout. A broad range of issues related to the recent floods and climate change came under discussion. The FM noted that one-third of the country was inundated, around 33 million people were affected across the country, over 1300 lives were lost including more than 400 children, nearly 800,000 livestock perished, more than 1.7 million houses and 6000 km of roads have been destroyed or damaged. The Foreign Minister said that though the people impacted by the floods have made no contribution to climate change, they were suffering the most due to it, and therefore, it was the shared responsibility of the international community to do its utmost to assist the millions of affected to return to normal lives and livelihoods in a sustainable manner. The FM emphasized that it was critical that the momentum on the Flash Appeal, which was jointly launched by the Government of Pakistan and the UN, was sustained and looked forward to the UNSG’s support in further mobilizing the international community for the subsequent phase of sustainable rehabilitation and reconstruction.
The UNSG stressed that an important reason for his visit was to draw the attention of the international community to this climate catastrophe and to appeal for massive support for Pakistan. UNSG told the reporters, “I’m here to express my deep solidarity with the Pakistani people over the devastating loss of life and human suffering caused by this year’s floods”. The Secretary-General said that it was not only a matter of solidarity but a matter of justice. The UNSG reiterated that “today it is Pakistan, tomorrow it can be anywhere else”. The UNSG commended the Government of Pakistan’s strong leadership in the flood response efforts and reiterated the United Nations’ engagement to continue supporting the government’s relief efforts. He reaffirmed his commitment to galvanizing international support for the people of Pakistan through the recently launched Flash Appeal and Floods Response Plan and shared that funds have been released from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). The UN Secretary-General thanked the Government and the Foreign Minister for the facilitation provided to support international partners to scale up their efforts in support of Pakistan.
The Secretary-General reaffirmed the full support and cooperation of the UN both for ongoing humanitarian relief work as well as for long-term recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. The Secretary-General discussed various ideas for mobilizing finance and for enhancing fiscal space for Pakistan’s efforts to rehabilitate and reconstruct. Both sides exchanged views on how to reinforce climate action, with special emphasis on supporting the adaptation efforts of developing countries through debt swaps.
The UNSG, accompanied by the PM and the FM, visited flood-affected areas of Sindh and Baluchistan including Sukkur, Larkana, Mohenjo Daro, and Usta Muhammad, where he was given an overview of the rescue and relief efforts of the Government of Pakistan and national and international partners. The UNSG got a first-hand assessment of the on-ground situation by the displaced people, civil society, first responders, and others. The FM shared deep appreciation and acknowledgment of UNSG’s visit and efforts for international awareness raising, the show of solidarity with the Pakistani nation, and the mobilization of necessary support from the global community.
The Importance of the Secretary-General’s visit to Pakistan was that he visited the flood-hit areas and got first-hand information. He has witnessed the suffering of the people and the devastations of the flood himself.
Some areas of Pakistan usually have a rainfall of around 50 mm annually, but, this time there was rainfall of up to 1700 mm just in a couple of weeks, the amount of water, was unimaginable and beyond description in a simple world. The magnitude and intensity of the flood were unprecedented.
It is not only Pakistan, a few other nations also faced the impact of climate change. Facing natural disasters like these heavy floods is not possible for any single country to overcome. It is the collective responsibility of whole humankind to fight against natural disasters. Only collective efforts can defeat disasters. Especially, where, the cause of climate change belongs to G-20 nations, it is their moral obligation and legal compulsion to share their social responsibility generously.
G-20 is making rapid economic developments but at the heavy cost of climate change. Pakistan’s carbon emissions are much below permissible but became the worst victim of Climate change.
It is to be alarmed that usually heavy rains and floods may follow earthquakes, and pandemics, which can be more fatal even.
It is urged that the Government of Pakistan compile a comprehensive report of flood-related damages, and estimate the cost of complete rehabilitations. Then approach the UN appropriate platform, and demand compensation legitimately.
It is appealed to all nations and individuals to join hands in protecting humankind from natural disasters, not only in the case of Pakistan but also in any corner of the earth, where ever is required. The rich nations must proactively and generously extend a helping hand, especially the G-20 who are responsible for up to 80% of climate change.
Reference Link:- https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/09/13/the-flood-caused-unimaginable-damage-to-pakistan/
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