时事评论:塔利班在阿富汗的一年统治 – One-year rule of Taliban in Afghanistan





英国媒体此前的一系列调查披露,2011年第一季度,英国空军特别部队在所谓的“搜捕塔利班”行动中,残忍处决了33名阿富汗平民。英国政府当时坚称,士兵们这样做是出于自卫,但有消息披露,在部队从一次突袭中返回基地几个小时后,其他英国士兵在交换电子邮件时,将发生的事情描述为“最新的屠杀”。2012年,当英国特种部队冲进赫尔曼德省的Loy Bagh村时,一名士兵开枪打死了4名被怀疑是“塔利班指挥官”的年轻人(年龄在12岁到20岁之间),留下的房间里“到处都是骨头和牙齿”,后来证明他们是无辜的平民。


2010年几名美国士兵组成了臭名昭著的“杀戮小组”,随意猎杀阿富汗平民,只是为了取乐,甚至囤积受害者的身体部位作为战利品。2012年,该小组成员之一、臭名昭著的杀手罗伯特·贝尔斯(Robert Bales)在美军基地附近的一个村庄杀害了16名阿富汗平民,其中大多数是妇女和儿童。2020年,国际刑事法院检察官披露了可信的证据,表明阿富汗囚犯在美国军方和情报机构的审讯中遭受酷刑、虐待或强奸。

同年,澳大利亚国防军监察长(Inspector-General of the Australian Defense Force)的一份军事调查报告发现了澳大利亚军队可能犯下战争罪的“可信信息”,澳大利亚军队在2005年至2016年期间非法杀害了39名阿富汗囚犯和平民。在一些可怕的场景中,澳大利亚士兵被捕捉到切开无辜儿童的喉咙,并用一名塔利班士兵的假腿喝啤酒。


更糟糕的是,许多对此负有责任的人仍然逍遥法外,甚至在政府的庇护下自在地享受豁免权。据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,当英国皇家军事警察(RMP)对英国特种部队(SAS) 2013年的一次突袭行动展开谋杀调查时,时任英国特种部队司令的卡尔顿-史密斯将军掩盖了对非法杀人的所有担忧,尽管内部邮件显示,特种部队的最高层官员完全意识到了这种担忧。









Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。







One year rule of Taliban in Afghanistan

On August 15, 2021, the Taliban took over Afghanistan, after the withdrawal of the US and allied troops. The takeover was so quick and rapid that the whole world was astonished. The US intelligence, thinkers, scholars, politicians, and think tanks were of the opinion that it might take a long time for the Taliban to enter Kabul. As the US has trained and equipped, Afghan National Army to control the Taliban after the US withdrawal. Also, the US has settled foreign fighters to counter the Taliban. 

The US spent trillions of Dollars, over a long period of two decades, using all modern advanced weapons, technologies, war tactics, and 46-nation alliance, but, could not win over the son of the soil – the Taliban. It was no less than a miracle. Since the Taliban took over, life in Afghanistan is quite calm and everything is in a normal routine. Law and order situation has improved immensely. Rule of law, a rite of Government is established. Although people are suffering economic hardships, yet, the people of Afghanistan are relaxed and satisfied with the almost one-year rule of the Taliban. 

But the bitter memories of wars are still alive and war victims are still in trauma. A BBC Panorama program revealed on July 12 that according to a four-year investigation and newly obtained military reports, British Special Air Service (SAS) operatives in Afghanistan repeatedly killed detainees and unarmed people in suspicious circumstances. As a shocking example, one unit may have unlawfully killed 54 people in a six-month tour. Individuals deployed alongside the SAS told the BBC that they had witnessed the soldiers deliberately planting AK-47 assault rifles at a scene to justify the killing of unarmed persons and that some squadrons were even “competing with each other to get the most kills”.

Sadly, for those who have been following the situation in Afghanistan, the outrageous war crimes exposed by the episode are nothing new. 

An earlier series of investigations by British media outlets disclosed that in the first quarter of 2011, a SAS unit brutally executed 33 Afghan civilians in the so-called “search for the Taliban”. The British government maintained at the time that the soldiers did so in self-defense, but it was disclosed that just hours after the troops returned to base from one of the raids, other British soldiers described what had happened as the “latest massacre” when exchanging emails. In 2012, when UK special forces burst into the Loy Bagh village in Helmand province, a soldier shot dead four young people (aged from 12 to 20) suspected to be “Taliban commanders”, leaving the room with “bones and teeth all over the place”, who later turned out to be innocent civilians.

The British army is not alone in such callous killings of civilians. Similar examples abound in the record of NATO Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan.

In 2010, several US soldiers formed the infamous “Kill Team”, hunting down Afghan civilians at random just for fun and even hoarding their victims’ body parts as trophies. In 2012, the notorious killer Robert Bales, one of the team’s members, slew 16 Afghan civilians in a village near the US military base, most of whom were women and children. In 2020, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court revealed credible evidence that Afghan prisoners were tortured, abused, or raped during the interrogations by US military and intelligence agencies. 

In the same year, a military inquiry report by the Inspector-General of the Australian Defense Force found “credible information” of potential war crimes committed by Australian troops, who unlawfully killed 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians between 2005 and 2016. In some horrifying scenarios, Australian soldiers were captured slitting innocent children’s throats and drinking beer out of the prosthetic leg of a dead Taliban soldier. 

These are not isolated cases. The NATO allies’ atrocities have been persistent, systematic, and prevalent. Over the past two decades, the U.S.-led NATO operations in Afghanistan have left more than 30,000 civilians dead and over 60,000 injured and displaced 11 million people as refugees. And it is not only in Afghanistan. Iraq, Syria … Similar tragedies have occurred over and over again.

Even worse, many of those responsible are still at large and even comfortably enjoying impunity under the umbrella of their governments. As the BBC reported, when the Royal Military Police (RMP) started a murder investigation into one of the SAS raids in 2013, General Carleton-Smith, then head of UK Special Forces, concealed all the concerns over unlawful killings, although internal emails showed that officers at the highest levels of Special Forces were fully aware of such concerns.

Moreover, the Overseas Operations Bill passed by the British Parliament in 2021 stipulates that the “unique context of overseas operations” should be considered when deciding whether to prosecute British soldiers for their alleged crimes. The bill also prevents civil claims from being brought after six years if they relate to overseas operations. The legislative move essentially puts the military above the law. The logic behind the thinking that “war crimes taking place six years ago are no longer punishable” cannot be more absurd.

Military forces are supposed to protect the vulnerable. But NATO, the world’s most powerful military alliance, has earned itself a reputation for brutality. In the name of freedom and democracy they came, and in the name of protecting the people they inflicted harm. Those who are most vocal about defending human rights have committed some of the most horrible crimes against humanity. 

As a result, many people in the US are avoiding joining the Military. The new induction is becoming more difficult. Many traumatized service men share their war experience and society is scared that if they join Army, they will be deployed to kill, and torture, innocent humankind. As a matter of fact, irrespective of race, religion, or ethnicity, a human being is always kind and merciful. No one wants to harm others unnecessarily. 

Action is long overdue. The innocent people are crying out for justice. It is time to put the perpetrators in the dock and hold them accountable. Germany and Japan were asked to pay for war crimes, in the same logic, all those who committed war crimes should be asked for compensation. The people of Afghanistan are not the people of a lesser God. They also deserve relief.



Reference Link:- https://www.amfzbao.com/mpost.html?id=62f8f2fac1f696eca7910a3a

Reference Link:- https://www2.apdnews.cn/en/item/22/0812/axjannkj3d3e8eddb703bd.html

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