时事评论:不容忍、极端主义和种族主义是一种全球现象 – Intolerance, extremism, and racism are a global phenomenon




在 1950 年代、1960 年代和 1970 年代,巴基斯坦是一个非常温和、宽容、思想开放、开明的国家。五十多岁或以上的人可能还记得,那个时候人们比今天更宽容,更能接受其他宗教、种族、民族和多样化的观点。


在 1980 年代的十年里,巴基斯坦社会被有意激化,极端主义得到宣扬,圣战得到鼓励。极端主义政党和宗教政党和个人得到了慷慨的资助,并被用作促进圣战的工具。媒体还被故意用来宣传极端主义和不容忍。非政府组织和情报机构的任务是宣传某些意识形态。教育系统是专门为圣战培养志愿者而设计的。结果,阿富汗战争获胜,前苏联撤军。但是,作为副产品,巴基斯坦社会变成了一个不宽容、极端主义和情绪化的国家。四十年后,我们正在收获,我们在 1980 年代播下的种子。



地缘政治正在迅速变化,特别是在该地区,在巴基斯坦周边地区,许多事态发展对巴基斯坦的安全和未来产生直接影响。最近创建的 I2U2(以色列、印度、阿联酋和美国联盟)对巴基斯坦产生了影响。 ASK US、QUAD 等也在影响着巴基斯坦。乌克兰战争的影响已经影响到巴基斯坦。许多其他发展和变化正在酝酿中,预计很快就会发生,并对巴基斯坦产生严重后果。



而巴基斯坦是一个拥有 2.3 亿人口的国家,其 97% 的人口是穆斯林。伊斯兰教是和平与宽容的宗教,性质温和。神圣的先知穆罕默德愿他安息(PBUH),他在他的生活中教导宽容、节制和简单。圣训充满了这样的叙述,他宣扬宽恕、宽容与和平。







Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。







Intolerance, extremism, and racism are a global phenomenon

Today, our society is extremely, polarized, and charged with violence, unfortunately! Whether is a political divide, religious factions, or ethnic issues, people possess extreme ideology and are unwilling to understand others or accept different narratives. Sticking to own thinking, without listening to other viewpoints, rigid and inflexible behaviors is a common phenomenon.

fight against racism

Intolerance, extremism, and racism, are global phenomena, looking deeply, one can notice it is more common in the Western World. White supremacy, Black Lives Matter, and religious, and ethnic racism, are even more common in the Western world. However, Pakistan, being a part of the global world order is also a victim of such evils. Although the Muslim world is blamed for such evils, actually it is a global disease and needs to address collectively. Collective efforts can overcome and cure this serious disease.

In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, Pakistan was very much a moderate, tolerant, open-minded, enlightened nation. Those who are in the age 50s, or above may remember, the time when people were more tolerant, and accepting of other religions, races, ethnicity, and diversified viewpoints than today.

Understanding the matter better

In the decade of 1980s, by design, Pakistani society was radicalized, extremism was promoted, and Jihad was encouraged. Extremist political and religious parties and individuals were funded liberally and used as a tool to promote Jihad. Media was also used to project extremism and intolerance, purposely. NGOs and intelligence agencies were tasked to promote certain ideologies. The educational system was tailored to produce volunteers for Jihad. As a result, the Afghan war was won and the former USSR withdrew its troops. But, as a byproduct, Pakistani society was transformed into an intolerant, extremist, and emotional nation. After forty years, we are reaping, what we have sowed in the 1980s.

Today, our society is extremely, polarized, and charged with violence, unfortunately! Whether is a political divide, religious factions, or ethnic issues, people possess extreme ideology and are unwilling to understand others or accept different narratives. Sticking to own thinking, without listening to other viewpoints, rigid and inflexible behaviors is a common phenomenon. We have labeled our TV channels and scholars based on our views. Our youth is suffering from intolerance, and extreme ideology, and became stubborn and rigid. Some youths are so influenced that they became psychics and criminals.

There is a dire need to listen to others, especially with different views, we must compare others’ narratives and analyses wisely, before accepting or rejecting them. There is a need to understand others. We should not snub others right of expression and impose our point of view. Logic, sense, facts, truth, and wisdom must prevail in communication with others and while making a decision, we must exercise the highest degree of tolerance, patience, and forgiveness.

Geopolitics is changing rapidly, especially in this region, around Pakistan, and many developments have a direct impact on Pakistan’s security and future. The recently created I2U2 (Israel, India, UAE, and USA alliance) bears repercussions for Pakistan. ASK US, QUAD, etc., are also impacting Pakistan. The influence of the Ukraine war has already impacted Pakistan. Many other developments and changes are in the pipeline that is expected to happen shortly and have serious consequence for Pakistan.

Under this scenario, Pakistan has to pay attention to its domestic affairs

We need to keep our house in order. Complete harmony and understanding are desired in the country. National interests must be defined well and try level best to achieve them. Unitedly, we may survive under prevailing circumstances.

While, Pakistan is a nation of 230 million, with 97% of its population as Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and is moderate in nature. Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH), was teaching tolerance and moderation, and simplicity in his life. Hadeeth is full of such narratives, where he preached forgiveness, tolerance, and peace.

Our culture, teaching of our parents, and teachers are also asking us for forgiveness, tolerance, and patience. But, when our children grow up and are exposed to society, they are influenced by others and spoiled. Media, especially, informal and social media has an adverse impact on our society.

It is believed that intolerance and extremism were not in our tradition and were induced from outside deliberately. It can be cured and removed from our society. It just requires a strong will and a few practical measures. Right policies and a positive approach may help us to come out of the current crisis. It is desired that we may restore our true values taught by our religion and ancestors. We hope the potential to overcome all challenges, as long as we have a will, and keep on struggling, only victory will be our destination.



Reference Link:- https://www.amfzbao.com/mpost.html?id=62dc0808776d360228a1c69c

Reference Link:- https://www.globalvillagespace.com/intolerance-extremism-and-racism-is-a-global-phenomenon/

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