Pakistan is a mature and responsible nuclear state

Pakistan is a well-matured state and understands its global responsibilities. It is a nation of 230 million, with a very good educational system. Although a high degree of freedom of expression has made the nation divided, on political, religious, cultural, and ethnic grounds, on core national cause it is always united very well. It has emerged as a nuclear state, with its own hard work and struggle. So, it has a sense of safeguarding its nuclear assets. The state has proper institutions and mechanisms for its safety and protection. 

The legal systems and mechanisms are changing from time to time to strengthen their control of safety and protection. Last month, the need-based revision was made as:- 

Pursuant to the Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act 2004, the Government of Pakistan has notified revised Control Lists of Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment that are subject to SECDIV license for export. The Act enables the Government to control the export, re-export, trans-shipment, and transit of goods, technologies, materials, and equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems.

As part of the regular review process, the Strategic Export Control Division (SECDEF) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has revised/updated the Control Lists, in consultation with other relevant Ministries and Departments. The revised Control Lists have been notified vide Gazette of Pakistan S.R.O. 551(I)/2022 dated 12 April 2022. The Control lists were originally notified in 2005 and subsequently revised in 2011, 2015, 2016, and 2018.

Over the years, Pakistan has streamlined and strengthened its export control regime and enhanced its engagement with international export control regimes i.e., the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime, and the Australia Group. The revised Control Lists are harmonized with the standards and lists of these export control regimes.

The notification signifies the continuing resolve and policy of Pakistan as a responsible nuclear state to advance the shared goals of non-proliferation and strictly adhere to its commitments.

Unlike, India, where Uranium is sold in the open market just like an ordinary commodity, the state failed to protect the sensitive material from reaching the public. It has been happening in India repeatedly. There are chances of highly radioactive material reaching into the hands of terrorists and might be misused. Pakistan is very much careful and takes all necessary measures. IAEA is very much satisfied with Pakistani measures regarding the safeguarding of nuclear materials, technologies, and products.

Earlier on 09 March 2022, an Indian missile entered Pakistani territory. India acknowledged it two days later, blaming a “technical malfunction” during maintenance. India’s defense minister Rajnath Singh told parliament that the incident was “regrettable”, expressing relief that no one had been killed.

Pakistan’s military had said that the “high-speed flying object” had crashed near the eastern city of Mian Channu and its flight path had endangered passenger flights. It has criticized India’s “callousness and ineptitude” in a “nuclear environment”, and demanded a joint investigation to “accurately establish the facts surrounding the incident”.

Pakistan’s air force said the missile traveled at Mach 3 – three times the speed of sound – at an altitude of 12,000m (40,000ft) and flew 124km (77 miles) in Pakistani airspace before crashing.

The international community is urged to force India to take appropriate measures to protect its nuclear and missile assets.  If India cannot handle it, Pakistan can help and manage it jointly. However, it is the responsibility of the international community, to ensure the safety of such dangerous acts in the region, as the two rival states are nuclear states and possesses enough stocks to eliminate each other completely. It can harm the whole region as well as globally. 

Pakistan is committed to peace and stability, and will try its best under any circumstances, but, India is really emerging as a serious threat to the region. The UN and other international institutions should take serious notice and take practical steps to force India.    

Reference Link:-


  1. You highlighted very important facts.
    Very nice.

  2. Merci Coconrouge pour ton commentaire laissé sur cet article ! Ravie qu’il t’ait plu et à très bientôt pour d’autres conseils qui rendent heureux ! Belle journée à toi…C’est un sujet que j’ai étudié de près. Et je vous félicite pour avoir bien identifié le problème.J’ajouterai que l’on peut sortir aussi de ce “syndrome” de l’auto-sabotage par la prise de conscience que l’on répète toujours les mêmes schémas (comme vous le décrivez si bien dans votre article).La prise de conscience permet d’être sur nos gardes AVANT une action, une démarche. Elle nous immunise dans une certaine mesure du processus répétitif catastrophique.Didier Pénissard

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