最近关于迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)的关于谎言、欺骗、盗窃等的报道进一步证实了信息被故意更改以达到设计的结果。美国在其中扮演的角色。
秘密行动、推翻民选政府、煽动叛乱和支持跨国公司是中情局的常规行动,所有这些都是打击质疑美国利益者的斗争的一部分。持续到今天的行动。2018年,国家民主基金会(National Endowment for Democracy,NED)作为其分支之一,在“人权”或“民主”的旗舰下,投入了2300多万美元,干涉拉丁美洲主要国家的内政,这对拉美地区和世界的国家主权和进步政府的连续性构成了真正的威胁。
Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。
Is Western Media credible anymore?
Western media is spreading fake news and fabricating stories with evil intentions. Western Media is biased and creates unrest and chaos in various parts of the world. Media is being used by the Western world to coerce, influence, and achieve their ill-political motives. Unfortunately, Western Media is already dominating and controlling public opinion throughout the world.
Let me give you a particular example of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). BBC reported that the Saddam Hussain regime in Iraq possesses Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD). America along with its allies attacked Iraq, destructed Iraq, killed millions of people, and damaged Infrastructure, Power Houses, telecommunications, Hospitals, Schools, Churches, Mosques, Roads, Industry, Oil Wells, and Refineries, etc. Finally noticed that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Later on, the British Prime Minister of that time, acknowledged that the BBC news was not accurate, and information about WMD was not correct. But after damaging a country totally and harming millions of people, pushing Iraq into the stone ages, one’s mere apology may not be accepted and may not be forgiven by humanity, and irreversible damage to Iraq may never be forgotten by history.
It is worth mentioning, that Iraq was a very stable, oil-rich, and total welfare state under President Saddam Hussain. Education and health care were free of cost to its citizens, and plenty of food, a variety of food was available abundantly. Electricity was available in all parts of the country in abundance sufficiently. Fuel and items of daily use were available everywhere conveniently. Society was very much stable, satisfied, and living a comfortable life. All factions of the society were enjoying harmony and was a tolerant society. It might be possible a few exceptionally politicians opposing the ruling party “Bath” or President Saddam Hussain, were victimized. They might be few in numbers or two digits only. But the vast majority of the nation was comfortable with the rulers.
But after the US war on Iraq, today, the people of Iraq are facing a shortage of food, fuel, electricity, medicines, and items of daily life. No free education and health care are provided by the government. Society is extremely polarized, and intolerance and factionist are very much common. Terrorism, lawlessness, and chaos are witnesses everywhere.
Is a publically apology sufficient to cool down the suffering of millions of Iraqis? Can anyone ignore the dirty role of the BBC? Is it possible, that the people of Iraq forget the BBC? Can the victim forgive the BBC?
It is only one example only. The same trick was played in the case of Syria. BBC reported that the Syrian Government possesses Chemical Weapons and is using them against rebellions. Western Alliance NATO, under the US leadership, attacked Syria, killed millions of innocent people, displace millions of common citizens, damaged the whole country, and pushed the Syrian into stone ages. Forced the Syrian people to take asylum in the Western World where they are humiliated, especially the women and children are being abused. A huge portion is forced to live in temporary camps within the country, where life is very hard and lacks the basic amenities of daily life. Western World has made the life of common Syrian misery and curses only. While Syrians was a very stable country, may not be very rich, but with all basic amenities available conveniently. Nature has blessed the Syrians with the best fruits and vegetables, and traditional Syrian food is one of the important attractions in the region. The people of Syria are very pretty and superior creatures. They can compete with any beautiful villain in the world easily. The law and order situation was very much comfortable and society was stable and living in harmony.
The same is the case in Libya, where ill-motivated fake News led to the destruction of a sovereign country. A very stable, oil-rich nation turned into chaos and lawlessness. A nation with all comforts and facilities has been deprived of even basic needs of life. A state with total welfare for its citizens has been changed into a lack of everything like food, medicines, fuel, electricity, etc.
The situation in Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, and Afghanistan is not much different than this. The US admits its role in spreading fake information about Afghanistan and admits its failure in Afghanistan. Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran are on the list and Western World is engaged in a hybrid war, where media is the basic weapon and in some cases over-engaged in spreading fake news and fabrication of stories to create chaos and promote instability.
In Pakistan only, we noticed many illegal radio stations operating by Western-funded NGOs, spreading hate, misinformation, and trouble only. Many media houses and individual journalists are hired by Western World and used as frontmen or under-cover operations of a hybrid war in Pakistan.
Only in the Middle East, around two million people have been killed, and several million have been displaced from their homes, either to live in Camps or to move to other countries seeking asylums.
In fact, the world is full of such examples and unfortunately, the developing world is the victim and under direct target.
The recent reports regarding Mike Pompeo regarding lies, cheating, stealing, etc are further confirmation that information is deliberately changed to achieve designed results. The US role in
1970s ‘Operation Condor,’ in which South American dictators systematically tortured and killed dissidents in the region. An estimated 60,000 people were killed by the Latin American states in the clandestine operation, 30,000 in Argentina alone. Another 30,000 were disappeared and 400,000 imprisoned during the Operation. It is now known that the CIA was a guiding hand throughout the whole process, by training and helping military and civilian personnel. “Diplomacy and military strength go hand in hand. They are indeed intimately related. Each relies on the other,” Pompeo also admitted during the conference called “Why Diplomacy Matters.”
Covert operations, ousting democratically elected governments, inciting revolts, and supporting transnational companies are run-of-the-mill actions for the CIA, all justified as part of the fight against those who question U.S. interests. Actions that continue until this day. In 2018, one of its offshoots, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) channeled over US$23 million to meddle in the internal affairs of key Latin American countries, under the flagship of “human rights” or “democracy,” which represents a real menace for national sovereignty and the continuity of progressive governments in the region and the world.
These are the only few known facts, there must be many more in various parts of the world with similar incidents and fake news or spread of misinformation.
I believe the Western World is misusing Media and the spread of distorted information as an unarmed wing or tool of defense and diplomatic strategies, to achieve their evil goals. It seems Western media is notorious for spreading fake news and the fabrication of stories. They have lost their credibility. The intellectuals and people with common sense no more believe in Western Media anymore. The credibility of Western Media is challenged and lost recognition among the people having consciousness.
I have been traveling internationally frequently and come across many foreigners. Most of them have a very negative impression of Pakistan. But those who have traveled to Pakistan, are very different and praise Pakistan. In fact, the media is projecting a negative image of Pakistan, however, the ground realities are very different. I do not claim that Pakistan is perfect and everything is ideal, but reject the extremely negative impression posed by the Western Media. There might be many problems in Pakistan but just like other countries, not much different from the rest of the world. In some respect, Pakistan is better than many other nations while facing a few challenges too like other nations. Misinformation and distorted stories regarding Pakistan are part of the Western Media war launched against Pakistan.
I understand some of you may disagree with my opinion and may be offended but at least it may initiate an open debate. Let’s explore the avenues of a common ground where we can seek the truth. The common man is interested only in seeking the real facts and figures. Let’s judge the reports and news on an impartial basis and reach conclusions on our own. With the improvement of technology, and especially with the help of the internet and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), it is possible for the dissemination of facts instantly. We should conceive the facts with open-mindedness and be receptive to facts only.
I wish for a peaceful world where justice, freedom, and truth will prevail. Let’s join hands toward this goal and all those willing to achieve this goal, be struggling till the victory. In fact, journalism is a holy profession and must not be politicized. Let the media work for the welfare of humanity. There are many media houses working very well and serving humanity properly. We must salute them and extend our full cooperation. We must differentiate between good and bad News agencies or media houses. It is our own duty to judge the good and evil media and should appreciate the positive role of media where ever necessary.
I must offer my heartiest apology if offended a few of you. But willing to find common ground and extend my full cooperation, if it is desired by some of you. Let’s build a better world, where tomorrow should be better than yesterday. Our next generation must not face the same challenges which we have faced. Love humanity, love peace, and seek the truth.
Reference Link:- https://www.amfzbao.com/mpost.html?id=62d0dfa0776d360228a1710c
Reference Link:- https://thesaker.is/is-western-media-credible-anymore/