据报道,新德里和华盛顿向联合国安理会1267 ISIS和基地组织制裁委员会提交了一份动机恶劣的联合请愿书,要求将Makki定为全球恐怖分子,但北京在最后一刻阻止了这一行动。
Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。
As usual, China has shown solidarity with Pakistan
Once again, Time-Tested, All-Weather, Sincere, and dependable, Iron Clad – China, has shown solidarity with Pakistan. China blocked a joint move by India and the United States at the United Nations to designate Pakistan-based freedom fighter Abdul Rehman Makki as a “Global Terrorist” under the UN Security Council’s ISIS and Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee.
Kashmir is a disputed territory between China, Pakistan, and India. There are several resolutions by the UN on Kashmir, but, India is denying the implementation of the UN resolutions and unilaterally, illegitimately occupying Kashmir. It has deployed almost one million troops to control 8 million Kashmiris. On the ground, it is a never-ending curfew, the longest in the history of humankind. The security forces are empowered to arrest, investigate, detain, kill or confiscate his property or belongings. The records show that the Security forces have been using rape as a weapon to humiliate and suppress the Kashmiris. According to the UN, International Amnesty, and Human right Organization, India has crossed all limits of human rights violations in Kashmir. Practically Kashmir is under siege and the media is controlled by the extremist Government of BJP-RSS.
The people of Kashmir are struggling for their legitimate right of self-determination provided by the UN. Kashmiris are peace-loving people and are protesting peacefully. They are the freedom strugglers, but, the Indian Government blames them for terrorism. The executive use of force against the Kashmiri people has been proved counterproductive and the movement for freedom has gained more momentum.
The Unholy Indian media is spreading fake news, distorted narrative, and fabricated stories about Kashmiris to project a negative image. Further, India is misguiding the West and gaining their support in its atrocities against Freedom strugglers. India is using International platforms to project its false narrative and malign the Kashmiris.
Evilly motivated attempt to black-list one of the freedom struggle Abdul Rehman Makki, India and the US jointly moved a resolution in the UNSC.
According to reports, New Delhi and Washington had submitted an evilly motivated joint petition to the UN Security Council’s 1267 ISIS and Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee to designate Makki as a global terrorist, but Beijing put a hold on the move at the last minute.
Previously, China has placed holds and blocks on bids by India and its allies to list freedom fighters based in Pakistan. China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council with veto power, was the only country in the 15-nation assembly that refused to blacklist Masood Azhar, putting a “technical stop” on the process. The committee makes all of its judgments by consensus. The P3 nations proposed a similar plan in 2017. However, China, a permanent member of the UN Security Council with a veto, consistently blocked India’s motion from being adopted by the sanctions committee. To maintain international pressure on Masood Azhar to be designated as a global terrorist, the US, with the assistance of France and the United Kingdom, had moved a draught resolution to blacklist him directly in the UN Security Council.
It is worth mentioning that The Indian, Israeli, and American axis are to contain China and resist China’s peaceful rise. The US is blindly supporting Indian atrocities and cruelties in the region in return for its support to the American’s anti-China campaign.
China and Pakistan are strategic partners and have been in close contact and mutual consultations on various issues, including domestic and regional. There exists a complete and comprehensive understanding and harmony among the two Iron Brothers. Jointly, we are defeating our enemies and their ill-designs. The people of Pakistan recognize China as a sincere and true friend. The whole nation is grateful to China.
China and Pakistan are peace-loving nations and struggling hard to promote, understanding, harmony, and peace globally. Both nations are determined to promote stability, development, and prosperity throughout the whole world. Both support cooperation and collaboration among all peace-loving nations. Collectively, we may transform this world into a better place to live for our coming generations.
Reference Link:- https://www.amfzbao.com/mpost.html?id=62b2d18ec1f696eca78aac19
Reference Link:- https://www2.apdnews.cn/en/item/22/0620/axjanzzg0fbdf1e72585f3.html