Saving Pakistan is the top priority of the day

Looking at the Sri Lankan example, we are scared that, Pakistan is being pushed in that direction and it will make it easy for them to achieve their goals. With the passage of each day, the situation in Pakistan is deteriorating and scary.

non-kinetic war

An article in Wall Street Journal “Let’s Buy Pakistan’s Nukes”, by Bret Stephens was first published on Dec. 16, 2008. It’s being seriously and frequently referred to once again now. It’s always been on the top agenda of America, Israel, India, and the West. As a matter of fact, Pakistan is the only Muslim Nuclear power in the world. It is not digested by the West and they are always conspiring to deprive any Muslim country to achieve this status. They wanted to keep nuclear power limited to themselves only.

There were plans revealed that Pakistan will not exist on the world map beyond 2015. There were also classified documents released that show a rehearsal of airlifting Pakistan’s Nukes, etc. Some of them may be only stories and perceptions, but, the serious concern is the West’s opposition to Pakistan’s Nukes and desire to keep their supremacy forever.

The West has been opposing North Korean Nukes but failed

Currently, the West is imposing sanctions and closely monitoring Iran’s Nukes programs. Irrespective of all logic and arguments, it is the only US, that has used nuclear bombs in the history of humankind – Hiroshima, and Nagasaki of Japan in 1945. Although today, few countries have developed Nukes, they are well matured and sensible not to use first. The Nukes are served only as deterrence. If the West is really sincere to make the world safe from any nuclear war, it should destroy all Nukes and then ask other nations to keep their distance from Nukes.

The West has been exerting immense pressure on Pakistan to de-nuclearize. They have taken several measures to achieve their objectives, but, were failed in the past. They have coerced Pakistan politically, and economically, and built a negative perception about Pakistan. They have also used international organizations, and platforms to pressurize Pakistan. Like, IMF, FATF, World Bank, IFIs, UN structures, etc. A media war was launched against Pakistan too. Nuclear deterrence, a strong Army, and the diversity of Pakistan were the major hurdles in their way.

However, seeing the current situation, from the events taking place in the last two months. It appears that they have come very close in their evil plans with external and internal help. The economic hitman is definitely at work with textbook accuracy striking at the very roots, independence, sovereignty, and existence of our country. Knowingly or unknowingly, many of us are being used by them.

Our actions, deliberately or unintentionally are supporting their cause

Looking at the Sri Lankan example, we are scared that, Pakistan is being pushed in that direction and it will make it easy for them to achieve their goals. With the passage of each day, the situation in Pakistan is deteriorating and scary.

The resurfacing of the sinister suggestion in WSJ should open the eyes of all power centers and decision-makers in Pakistan. This suggestion may be a ‘feeler’ as a first step, but it can gain traction rapidly. The threat is real. It is time for a strong visionary Government in place immediately, representing the will of the people and one that can meet these challenges head-on, and not the political confrontation and instability.

What are the options available? How to protect Pakistan? How to overcome the severe challenges posed to us? It requires serious debate and thinking. Scholars and intellectuals must lead the nation to come out of a crisis. All stakeholders must be consulted and taken on board. All political forces must be involved, including minorities and ethnic groups.

I believe a free and fair election is only one the option

The sooner the better. Delays might deepen the crisis to a stage of irreversible. A new government with a strong national mandate without delay at the earliest is a way out.

Pakistan is a nation of 220 million, full of genius and sincere people. Talent is not lacking in this country, but, needs to involve the right people. Resources are not lacking in Pakistan, with immense minerals, mines, and rich agriculture, it fulfills all pre-requisites to rapidly develop. It is urged that the right decision, at right time, and national interest be put as a top priority. Saving Pakistan is the top agenda of today!

Reference Link:-


  1. The most awaited article.
    Very nice and detailed analysis. Please shed some light on how to deal with the economic crisis now and in future.

  2. The one party is out of govt, remaining all have consensus to save pakistan and it’s people interest from the first day of its existence. We have no need of on road, protests and agitation in the country. Parliament is the best plat form for the all best possible solutions.

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