Indian PM Narendra Modi has announced the repeal of three controversial farm laws after a year of protests. Thousands of farmers had camped at Delhi’s borders since last November and dozens died from heat, cold and Covid. Farmers say the laws will allow the entry of private players in farming and that will hurt their income. So what is the reason behind this U-turn?
Immense pressure from the farmers and unrest country-wide was the major reason for Modi’s Government to opt for a U-turn. However, there are few implications of Prime Minister Narendra Modi taking a U-turn on India’s agricultural reforms. This is a U-turn the stakes which India has never seen before. On 19 November 2021, Modi announced that the three farm laws—The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020; and The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020—that empower farmers will be repealed.
Opening avenues of independence for other insurgencies
In fact, India’s agriculture has now been crushed under the feet of wealthy farmers, traders, and middlemen for another full generation—no political party will dare touch these reforms for a longer time. The oppression of farmers has pushed the whole country into the menace of irreversible poverty.
However, the poor Taxpayers will fund the lifestyles of these wealthy and inefficient landowners in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Now it is time for India to take more U-turns. The most important is the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). It has divided the nation and promoted anti-muslim sentiments. The Muslims who rule India for almost 800 years are beginning life security. It has also affected its relations with neighboring Bangladesh. It is expected that Modi’s Government will announce a U-turn on CAA soon.
One much bigger issue is occupied Kashmir. On 5 August 2019, the Parliament of India voted in favor of a resolution tabled by Home Minister Amit Shah to revoke the temporary special status, or autonomy, granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to Jammu and Kashmir—a region administered by India as a state which consists of the larger part of Kashmir which has been the subject of dispute among India, Pakistan, and China since 1947. This provocation has violated the Indian constitution as well as the UN charter. The international community has serious concerns over Kashmir, especially the UN. Pakistan and China are the most offended neighbors, as Kashmir is a disputed territory among all these three countries and a unilateral decision by PM Modi has sparked the situation, which might explode any moment.
Since then, Kashmir is under siege, around one million troops have been deployed to suppress 8 million Kashmiris. The Black law has empowered the security council with unlimited powers and unchallengeable authorities to execute, kill, arrest, torture, and investigate at any time. In other words, Modi Government has given free hands to the genocide of Kashmiris.
India must take this U-turn, the sooner the better
Despite all atrocities and excessive use of force, India could not suppress the freedom struggle of Kashmiris. The right of self-determination is granted by the UN, and it is legally binding for India. But, With the backing of some superpower, India dares to default and has never implemented UN resolutions on Kashmir.
By this time, India must recognize that despite all its ugly tactics, for seven decades, India could not win the hearts and minds of Kashmiris. It will never succeed to rule Kashmir. The only option is to leave Kashmir, Kashmir is for Kashmiris, They must decide their future with free will to join Pakistan.
Prime Minister Modi may continue to take more U-Turns and transform the region into a better place to live in peace and harmony.
Original Link:- https://www.globalvillagespace.com/understanding-modis-u-turn-policy/