How political change is visible in India?

The Irony is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his election campaign, to gain votes from the extremist groups, promoted extremist remarks and made promises to them to convert India into a pure Hindu state, and convert all non-Hindus to Hinduism or kick them out of India.

India defense strategy

Not all Indians are extremists or racist. It is a country of wide diversity, many different religions, cultures, and civilizations were living in India for centuries. A variety of cultures were existing in India since ancient times. Many outsiders ruled India perfectly, like Muslims, British, etc. Even, after getting independence from the British in 1947, the people of India were living together. Hindus, the major religion in India have four castes and are not equal by virtue of their caste, they are not treated equally. Especially, the lowest caste – untouchables are mistreated often.

There are always good and bad people in every society. It is the duty of the Government to preach good things and oppose bad practices. The Irony is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his election campaign, to gain votes from the extremist groups, promoted extremist remarks and made promises with them to convert India into a pure Hindu state, and convert all non-Hindus to Hinduism or kick them out of India. Definitely, after winning the election, he practiced extremist policies and harmed the minorities, including Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, etc.

Although, the extremists standing with PM are estimated at only 6 percent

But, due to government baking, support from Police, Security forces, judiciary, and media, their impact is huge. In fact, the Government has been hijacked by extremists. By virtue of their official powers, they are leading the country into chaos. It has damaged the unity of the nation and projected an ugly face to the global community. Human Rights Watch and NGOs, working on human rights, have been criticizing Indian official policies against minorities.

There is a complete awareness of the sensitivity of the extremist policies within the country and common people are worried about it. They have reflected their anger in the recent local / provincial election. As a result, the ruling political party led by Prime Minister Modi has merely a clear majority in only 10 of the 29 state Assemblies.


  • 0 seats in Sikkim – a state invaded by India illegally,
  • 0 seats in Mizoram – a state undergoing insurgency
  • 0 seats in Tamil Nadu – one of the most literate state
  • 4 out of 175 in Andhra – the most populous state
  • 1 out of 140 in Kerala – full of IT intellectuals and termed Silicon Valley of India.
  • 3 out of 117 in Punjab – home of Sikh religion and victim of state terrorism.
  • 3 out of 294 in Bengal – Muslim majority state
  • 5 out of 119 in Telangana – a state under insurgency
  • 8 out of 70 in Delhi – the capital of the nation
  • 10 out of 147 in Orissa – a highly populated state
  • 12 out of 60 in Nagaland – desperate state struggling for independence
  • In the states where the BJP has a coalition government, the BJP’s seat status is
  • 2 out of 60 in Meghalaya – a critical and fragile coalition
  • 53 out of 243 in Bihar – Muslim majority state
  • 25 out of 87 in J&K – the most troubled state, where 900,000 troops are deployed to control the 8 million population.
  • 13 out of 40 seats in Goa- a beautiful state, tourist destination
  • Out of a total of 4139 assembly seats in the country, BJP has 1516 seats out of which 950 seats are from 6 states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, UP, MP, Rajasthan.

The meaning is clear that there is no wave or storm of BJP, actually, BJP has lost 66% of seats of the country.

A common man is more concerned about his or her job, earnings, safety, welfare, and development of the country. The extremism, intolerance, and discrimination have harmed the social and economic life of the common man. A common man cannot change the state policies so easily, but, reflect their anger and concerns at polling time and cast their vote against them.

Based on the above facts and figures, one can derive a conclusion about the future of the BJP or PM Modi. The next general elections are due in the year 2024, but, election campaigns are already started and pre-election preparations are on the way. The People of India have full awareness and have the right to choose the government of their own choice.

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